
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Selamat Bersemadi.....Ustaz Asri & Jasmine You


harini aku dikejutkan dengan 2 kematian....salah sorang ialah Ustaz Asri dari Kumpulan Rabbani, dan seorang lagi, Jasmine You, bassist kumpulan Versailles. Bagi aku kedua2 ni mmg bermakna, walaupun dua2 adalah daripada 2 pihak yg amat berbeza skali,umpama the 2 side of the coin.

Ustaz Asri ni seingat aku la time aku skolah2 dulu rajin wat pertunjukan amal kat sekolah intergrasi area umah aku,slalu pihak skolah akan jemput dia,tiket pun murah,RM 2 jer dh leh tgk ustaz ngan kumpulan Rabbani pnyer show,leh kata tiap2 thn gak skolah jemput ustaz ni dtg. Aku suka dengar arwah mengaji,mmg best sore dia kalao live,skang ni dah tak dengar lagi,huuuu rindu la aku kat arwah nanti. Arwah meninggal pagi tadi,lepas pengsan kul 10.30 pg kat Angkasapuri.Al- Fatihah buat arwah,smoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat.

A few hours lepas aku dpt berita ustaz Asri meninggal,dtg lagi satu news,yg mula2 aku ingat main2. Jasmine You, 30, bassist kumpulan Versailles yg baru je nak meningkat nama,tiba2 mati. Aku seakan2 tak percaya,walhal baru je tgk PV ngan live dorang,nmpk ok jer Jasmine ni,but he died also...and we lost a very great and beautiful bassist.

On August 3rd, it was announced that Jasmine You would temporarily suspend all musical activities due to unknown circumstances regarding his health and to recover. It had been announced that Versailles' new album was in the final stages of production and the bass tracks were being recorded. In the early hours of August 9th 2009, it was reported on the official site that Jasmine You had passed away. The translated announcement reads as follows:

"2009.8.9 「Versailles」 Urgent Announcement: Though Jasmine You had taken time off in order to rest because of poor physical condition, we received a report that early in the morning on August 9th, he died. Because of the extreme abruptness of this news, the members and staff are all dumbfounded and trying hard to accept this it. As soon as his family has been notified and updated as to the details and we receive their permission, we will further report to all of the fans. Moreover, with the current announcement, in regards to activity, please allow us to postpone it."

Huuu di kala kumpulan versailles nak meningkat naik, ditimpa bala mcm ni plak. Sedih sbb Jasmine dah takde, may he rest in peace. Sleep well,the descendant of the rose, your beauty will never fade away....

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